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Jehovah's Witness
Interviwed the Jehovah elder of Bury
proposed planned questions
As this was my first time interviewing someone I planned a few of my questions and then expanded upon them in the interview.I felt it was important to be prepared yet open to follow where the conversation went instead of rigidly sticking to my plan.
first documentary interview I have done and I purposefully wanted to interview a Jehovah's Witness as I had never spoken to a follower before but as most of us do have beliefs of what they believed. there are certain things everyone seems to know of Jehovah's witnesses for example their refusal to accept blood transfusions and the problematic two witness rule. and obviously the way they knock of doors and stand in city centres. I wanted to learn more about them straight from them to challenge my own thoughts on their beliefs.
AUDIO interview
uploaded to my podcast

Behind the scenes
Edited doc iMovie
please copy and paste: https://youtu.be/knFlODsFyYU
podcast style casual commentary on my thoughts after the interview.
Brief history and information -
The Christian religion of Jehovah's Witness is a unique and new branch of Christianity. classed as a Millenarian restorationist Christian denomination. Developed in in the 19870s American among followers of Christian restorationist minister Charles Taze Russell. there are around 8.7 million Jehovahs witness globally; 1.3 million in the USA.
Jehovahs witnesses take most of the Bible literally but do not identify as fundamentalists.
Interestingly one of the main criticisms of Jehovahs witnesses is their concept of disfellowship. it is estimated around 70,000 are disfellowed every year.
Jehovah churches have come under scrutiny world wide due to their two witness rule. this means that when someone within the Church accuses someone of something unless two people witnessed it they dismiss it. Each Jehovah Church has a book that they document each 'report' within but it is left at this. this has resulted in many sexual assault and rape allegations in particular being dismissed and victims practically ignored.
Jehovah witnesses in the wider society are known for their devoted evangelism. they frequently stand in city and town centres and even knock on doors. They are also known for their lack of celebration of national holidays including Christmas and easter swell as their birthdays. They believe it displeases God to engage in such celebrations. they are also known for refusing blood transfusions no matter the situation because they follow bible quotes that condemn it and also believe they are respecting God as a 'life giver'.
They use the New World Translation of the Bible. Interestingly, the main thing that makes the Jehovah belief differ from other christian religions is that they do not believe in the trinity. this is because they believe the bible never explicitly mentions the trinity.